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Hey Human, read na!

There's always a leakage, how about an emotion?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

See the Artist in you

ART, might sound a mere three letter word to the many outside, but its worth today is priceless. We were born with a talent, which you used with a pencil first and then a pen and today a brush. What is art? Well for me its an abbreviation meaning ASCERTAINED ROLLING TALENT. A talent which does not make an individual, but its born with him, and today the word ART depicts true emotion through that swirl of the brush which once stopped, gives birth to a picture. A picture so unique, so agile that the words magnificent and versatile might bow down to it.

Defining the word would surely make you stumble upon the many who have been living, sleeping and breathing art, but they never are laid back when it comes to taking that beautiful three letter word to a level of joy and emotion through their portraits and sketches.

I salute their stance and creativity, and it was once said aritists aren't made, they are born with zeal and that splenidid touch which is undoubtedly Bliss for the world to see!


I walked alone that night so lone,
never to be charmed with that mystery unknown..
Uhm man she's one blonde born,
gotta score big time or il sit and throb..
That night i wondered what a beauty she was,
i went high that night and she was the cause..
Lights turned off i looked outside,
this light piercing through the night unwise..
ITS HER ITS HER who i see partially naked,
i wish it was a play and me the character so wicked..
Drool, jerk splash what do i do?
Wait the answer was the guy with her in her room..
Stunned, heart broken my dream tore,
i thought that God made her for only me to score..
Damn her i said, what a nasty blonde she was,
i was just seeking love not a one night clause..
That morning i woke went to college and home,
and i walked again that night so lone ;)


I gave you that hope all this while, never realised I could be the whore so not worthwhile Moments i spent with you meant more than LOVE, but my heart never realised the importance of your clutch I think about you night long, each hour without you seems like life without that song That song where the ANGEL beckons your stance, life is beautiful oh baby, im there catching your hand Ive lost my reason to dream or see tomorrow, life is a mockery for me and its been engulfed with sorrow Torn apart and shattered with agony alone, Im still smiling to you, but will never let you hear my Heart moan Your touch made me realise your love and purity, I crave for it till date, but know i could hurt you oh worthy Fallen in anguish and despair throughout life i have, gathering momentum to smile again, just give me time i shall be fine A picture seems to be hidden inside the walls of my heart, i looked inside, and saw it was you glowing inside there, oh baby you were my illuminated torch :-)

Jaseem Khan

Jaseem Jibran shameem Ahmad Khan, aka My best friend Biker boy, is truly a man of class and courage. Defining him would surely make me run out of adjectives in the dictionary which signify courage and self dignity.

Life at times hits you hard and getting up seems a broken thought
Jaseem is the reason to a heart of stone, when down and torn He taught us how to grow
Life has left him bruised all along, but the man is a reason only on whom GOD looked upon
Lost a mother three fortnights ago, that moment gripped HIM, he could have fallen without any hope
He stood, faced and learnt the game of life, true in his belief, he grows each day with zeal and spice
My respect for him knows No bounds, because the word respect seems engulfed on me like a cloud
Life and its phases show what they can do, but the courage and worth to live is something I learnt from You
God came to me that day and said, "This boy is not ordinary, but he is my holy thread"

Love you :-)

Woman and 1298

Who is she..?
Ever wondered this five letter word holds the whole world in her womb…!
None of us must have!
Wonder why we have rape cases and crimes happening against them!
A woman is not just a lady in a sari, jeans or a skirt…
She is someone who holds you in her womb for nine months!
She can be in the form of a mother, sister, a maid, a daughter!
And today seeing time changing she’s also called a SON!
Ironical but yet true!
She wants to live her life the way she expects her daughter or son to live it!
But agony and despair aren’t two separate things!
Once they hit a woman she’s shattered all her life
The exuberant the charming the ever beautiful smile vanishes and all she sees is grief and sorrow!
You might have heard this phrase CHANGE IT OR LIVE WITH IT….
We out here say ABOLISH it!!
It’s disheartening to see them in tears!
A tear which is so precious, it makes us cry!
1298 wipes it away and assures every woman her basic rights…
A new beginning and lastly
It assures her HERSELF!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

YOU - The Human Destined

Lying on a couch i take another breath, wondering if i would see tomorrow or my quest... Yesterday went by subtle and calm, today your living life on an alarm.. I questioned my self whether i would see a tomorrow, something told me God din have an answer to that and he was hollow.. Tomorrow called me saying do you wanna see me?, but with that it told me about this word named destiny.. I wonder what will happen in the next hour, perhaps the same which happened the previous hour?.. Perhaps a mother will cry for a son dead, or You will be living life on a thin thread.. Destiny might sound a mere word, but its tuning your life, infact humanity with its chords.. Live life today like no tomorrow, you've been gifted this hour so what if sorrow.. Your walk in life is judged by what you do now, prove your worth in a manner where tomorrow will also bow.. Smile this minute because the clock is ticking, ticking into the books where history is being written.. See the world around and convey a message, because its not you, but mankind, which will give you the blessing.. I help my self and others too, not to see life as a trail, but the sky so blue.. You can't jump into a world where your destiny is laid, be a lover to your self, see your heart, it has the word humanity framed.. I lie again to take another breath, phew i see atleast see tomorrow, and my own quest :-)

Question Mark ( ? )

Trembling like a ship in a storm i stand, amidst the mighty fallen hands.. No clue to me next minute oh lord, your playing a game where your only player destining my downfall.. The previous second had its share of grief, I asked him why, Why did he give us a word named relief.. The mind echoes a call to life next minute, an answer saying your doomed to live it like a racket without a grip.. I held my self knowing i was to fall, left the world behind to set up life to roll.. A feeling within describing agony and despair, saw the dictionary to see the meaning o them, i saw my picture with no head.. The Question Mark to life is the hardest truth, a solution to it would be quoting the magic book.. Tears roll down not in anguish and hate, but that question mark which decides my fate.. I asked the mirror if i stand tomorrow, it cracked into pieces fallen down with a line quoted in sorrow.. " Your Question to Your self remains unanswered my friend, untill you prove your worth not to anyone, but your self and bend".. I thought hard gazing at the pieces galore, assembled them to see a reason to a goal.. The question seemed answered that moment to me, the mark to the question was you till eradicate and not weep.. I woke up tomorrow to see a road without a question, but answers aplenty getting me going on my mission.. Remember you all reading this today, a mark to a question remains untill you stare.. Look ahead to see opportunities galore, life is kind like God, grab it and score.. :-)


Been without you worthy, I live life like a soldier so lonely
My heart beats like a bomb tickin to explode, the impact as massive as a heartbreak when told
Its you and me under the fire burning above, il take you through oh baby im your savior oh love
Your far in a land, man i wish i saw ur face, come home oh baby you make my heart the craved
Let me take you to the land of Love, Il be the shelter, your charm and your glove
When i fall down to stand again, its your face i wish i could chain
Ahhhh you beauty so worthy and loved, be a reason for me to grab lifes most worthy clutch
I was born heartless untill you stepped in, the illuminated light englufed me with LOVE beyond a point, I think WE were written :)

Monday, April 5, 2010


The window to my Heart was made of stone, bleeding inside i could hear it moan...
The pain triggered a story hidden; I was the one reluctant to open....
Seeing her it wept all night, never to be human or witness to such a sight...
The wound carved a deep scar; it seemed no less than a fallen star...
Stung with that face so pure, I thought it was me, her only cure...
I got a call saying she’s smiling, smiling while she lay in her coffin...
She was God’s child a known belief, He said she’s now mine and your relief...
I sighed telling him that I was born alone, next minute I was with Him and my heart glowed....
Life in heaven was like making Love again, I saw her again to shed a tear and said,
“Forgive me, i was a disease which got you here”...
She smiled to wipe my tear away, A note left behind saying I Love you always...
We were cured of LOVE within, our story so purely written...
Our message to you is as fine as your heart to US, if you’re a Lover be true and not a tarnished trust...


My flight was late that night, but my Heart brimming with excitement
I was to see you oh baby, ten fortnights finally bowed down in front of me
Touch down! Heart skipped a beat now; we were only a few metres away from each other now
Those 50 yards from you, and then out of the gate with people galore,
I don’t see you oh baby, I’m torn
Swiftly i see that hair rise high, the one engulfed me that night
But wait it was you with him, so wish i was back on my flight
I hid in the corner for you not to see me, a tear fell upon my heart like acid, baby it killed me
Why did you fake the love to me? I was a lover made by you, please don’t leave me
That guy seemed to be cuddling you each minute, knowing i would be out any minute
Agony hit me hard that night; i walked without a heart out of that sight
One last look i gave you behind, you kissed him as if waving me that last goodbye
I walked that road to be hit by a car, my heart died oh baby in your love

A Dedication to my Grandfather

The day began with a nasty turn; HE seemed to be chanting the Lord’s tune...
Never before I alleged in calling God, He made it so clear that He WAS TO BE GONE...
His face was scarred with wrinkles today, a sight leaving me reckless and swayed....
Never bothered about the suffering within, it was HE the loner in a misery untrimmed....
That morning I left for my day’s routine, suddenly a call moving me to pray....
Never believed in the Lord’s might, a moment it was, I was seeking His Sight...
The afternoon that cam brought me home to see, HIM lying down without a feeling to weep....
I could feel him within me; body anguished with grief and no energy...
DADA I said, HE turned to me, leaving people flabbergasted to witness his feel...
I groped his hand as hard I could, he looked at me as if saying re build my Hold....
It felt, it felt, my tears could tell, HE was going to a place he wanted so well....
HE shook gasped and never turned to be, a soul so pure so agile and glee...
Oh moment you filled in grief within, HE was lying without a soul, but with an accomplished mission...
Come back to me one day dada, I am your Son bereaved...
With a thought so pure i promise to hold, I will make you proud tomorrow for the peace of your soul...
Don’t forget me ever, wherever you are, guide me always for me to reach that STAR....
It’s disheartening to realize your loss after you’re gone, selfish greedy I was who couldn’t help you anymore...
A mission remains in my heart today, Your name to be witnessed by the world One day...


Teary eyed I opened up to see, your figure so soothingly glee...
I walked closer to touch you; it felt so unreal and untrue...
I held your hand not to feel the same, you it was I wished to frame...
You made my cry when I was alone; my soul was a mere thrown stone...
Your eyes had an answer in them, my question it was so well met...
Waited so long for a stance to see, a legacy it was so humble and neat...
You were my bible, I worshipped all along, and baby meeting you was so profound...
Touch me to feel my blood rush through, it was cold when you were oh my soul so cute...
My heart was ripped into a million pieces, joining them would give me your face I needed...


Life is a situation brought upon,
Challenging it may leave you hit and torn...
Tomorrow people say is what we make,
I say Tomorrow wouldn't come if you were fake...
It’s easy to stand and smile at ease,
But the feeling inside might be cold and weak
You never know what a face shows,
Until you are the human being, the one imposed...
Life is a tool which you use and throw back,
The mark left behind on the wall is for you to pay up...
Life is a road with potholes defined,
Filling them would teach you a lesson of a lifetime...
Being human makes one think for the distressed,
Why can't you be a hand and not the next pest?
Phases galore life can never be stable,
The least you can do is help and be able...
Lending a helping hand makes people ashamed,
They aren't humans i say, they're shame...
Born with money doesn't make you human,
Realizing life today will ascertain your hold...
Look back this minute to see what happened yesterday,
Bettering it would leave you an individual well made...!

IT ;)

That night I prayed like a pimp renting his own,
So wanting to get laid, I would actually take a loan...
I stopped my car at the side of the road,
Holy fuck was it He or She, IT din seem a whore...
500Rs Hotel ka saab, 300 gaadi ka,
My dick was so tight that it diN need a “start up”...
“IT” sat in the car; I drove like a F1 driver on circuit,
Suddenly a hand on my crotch, Was it HE or She i was like FUCK IT...
Unstrapped the Bra and slid my hand inside,
Oooo man my dick wasn’t a dick, it was a HOLY SIGHT...
Blow huff ouch, It was RED LIKE A SWELLING,
It stood as tall as a conifer in the dwelling
Fuck oh fuck IT had a dick as well,
My dick shrunk like the leech when treated unwell...
Chal Teri *** **, I hurled it out of the car,
Looked at the mirror to see a face so jhaat sa :P...
Vowed never again to rent or to stop my car,
But i took the next night again in search for my “Nastha”... ;)

My Town

Steering across I came into a town,
Leaving it would leave a wound unsound...
The gate to it was a legacy relived,
I seem the legend born in a fable well read...
I stopped to witness that pillar so firm,
The scribble, the mark, and yes it was Home...
Looked around to see a new phase,
But one thing was the same, that cold soothing breeze...
It hit me in a manner in felt like never,
This was my home, my orphan, a place where my soul never quivered...
The town today had new body and beat,
But I was young again witnessing a sight so neat...


I woke up to see a picture to neat,
Framed within my heart, it was you, oh unique...
Without you life was a burden moving on,
I was fallen like a player who lost all his form...
Down there you stay with my eyes on you,
Peeping through that segment so agile and so new...
H E A R T calling you near oh baby so charmed,
Come be the knock and open its door once more...
My life was a mockery for me to laugh,
TODAY is a pillar helping you and a hell lot...
Oh lady in red your touch is what i seek,
My stance today would be mankind’s biggest leap...
You’ve blown me over to that phase of life,
Leaving you would burn my heart and leave a hole inside...


Together we’d be in the needed night, Smoking you will be my holy might...
Might be our last coin flipped, my heart would have surely had, had it skipped...
I have been without you all the while, seemed a runner in his last mile...
It’s you who my heart calls close, you’re the reason, you’re the pain, your my rose...
Loving you would be less, holding you my love would be bliss...
I’ll care for you all night; I was never witness to figure so beautiful inside...
You’re the road to my destination, my mission and my ultimate rhythm...
Dread the moment you’re not here, you’re lover calls you back to his heart so pure...
Knock at my door to see my soul so pure; illuminating it, you’re its only cure...
Enriched with your charm and zeal, a beauty like you would deserve GOD’s kneel..


Taking off I knew my day was vain; I left with a mission that could soothe my pain...
The first step i took the second I fell, looking back it was a sign for life to be hell...
Pockets torn I saw a note hang, damn me, I was not worthy of this virtue and stand...
Hard rain welcomed me on the streets so grey; I was fumbling like never in the steps which lay...
I stopped beside a hut on my left, a kid lay naked, shaken and wept...
“My mother isn’t my hand or my hold, God never told me about this misery untold”,
My note was not the answer to his fright and sight, humanity in me was a brimming flight...
I smiled and said,” Be not wary of anything my boy, I am your saviour, your path and your reason of joy”...
The boy stood and gasped at this figure bereaved, it was GOD the disguised living hopeless and deceived...
“I look after children in the night so late, my duty isn’t a duty, and it’s meant to save your fate”...
The boy woke up to see himself at a place unknown, but a feeling saying that be belonged to that home...
An orphanage it was where he was got by GOD, looking up he smiled and shed a TEAR to the Lord...