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There's always a leakage, how about an emotion?

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

It's her, it's HER #HeSaid

Love, just 4 letters, but an ocean of emotions come together making it, haven't written on it in a while, so today let's have that love hymen to slit.. They're catching each others hands, they're looking into those eyes, they come closer than ever, they exchange the pleasant sighs.. Hand in hand, the eyes lock into each other, they're just an inch away, that breadth feels heavier than ever.. Can you see her in those eyes? Does she complete your world? Will she love you always? WILL YOU ever be able to be together? All these assure that you're in Love, yes I am too, with a girl I cannot be with.. She's beautiful, she's adorable, she's all I will have till grow old and am partially audible.. She's lamp to empty road, she's the thread to the kite above, she's the pacemaker to the heart, she's the ball in that tender glove.. She fills the heart's cylinder, she tranports me into peace, she destroys that bad emotion, she's my soul's noble key.. She's everything I want, but yet nothing of her is what I can be granted, she's all I need each day, and still I have to pray and pray.. Her face is full of energy, emitting a unique light, but she's non existent now, she's the reason I'm a rugged flight.. I loved her for years, she tore me time after time, but even when I have myself today, her absence leaves me hollow inside.. Wherever you are, wherever you will be, just remember only a thing, that you willl never be loved this thickly.. For all what happened, for life to take such a transition, you're where you are, and me ongoing with my mission.. Whoever I meet, wherever I go, your face will follow, your face will follow.. Glow each day, I pray for the ambiance around you to be marvelous, outshine the world, give justice to the word glamorous.. Shine like a star, win like a champion, I love you and will always do.. #HeSaid

When Granny Turned 5.

Green grass, a cigarette bud, feathers and a girl with her grandmom, she smiles looking at the girl, she can't walk, but she smiles like the girl's her God.. Her eyes fixed on the girl's movement, her heart beating like footsteps on a pavement.. They smile, beautiful story, they walk, the girl leading the granny, so holy.. The old age stick suddenly seems away, as the grandmother gets up, slowly walks towards her cute child.. The girl's exploring everything around her, everything seems new, the sand, the bench, the earth's floor.. She watches a train go by, with awe and eagerness, the mother's smiling thanking the lord for this time.. One's 5 and the other 85, but the latter today looks like she's just started walking, she feels like a kite.. I watch them love, I watch them share, as I write again, sitting on this chair so square.. Relations, they're quite the thing you know, these individuals are like the arrow to their bow.. They will come here tomorrow, and time and again, and then one day the girl will be 85, and she'll thank God for these memories galore..

Leave the adult behind, CHILD.

You're down, you're scratched,
Why do you want everything to be a snatch?
The waiting game is always fruitful girl,
Don't want so much, you'll burn..

Burn brighter than the sun at noon,
Life's a boat, the shore's in sight, you'd be there soon.
Get off! Are you leaving something behind?
Oh yes, your past, it's good, it got you choked and entwined..

Cut the roap, let the boat glide,
The sea has its perils, let the 'boat' and them coincide.
Life left behind, you're on shore,
Off with those tags, bore, chor, whore...

YOUniverse calling, start walking forward,
Look up, because the sand will start pulling you downward.
You're there, can you see me standing?
I'm smiling, why you panting?

Run, you were an athlete so neat,
Walking is for the adult, cut loose, striptease.
Don't ask me where was I,
I was waiting right there, but your eyes were shut, was it a teary sty?

Can you see me clearly, can you see me now?
I'm right here, touch me, you're safe in my tow.
Open those eyes, see yourself queen,
The word ugly feels dismal when asscociated with you, you're clean..

Yesterday you were at the oceam, braving a storm,
I came along, threw you off balance, dirty song.
Hi, little one, you don't need to shine like that tile,
Just, leave that adult behind, child..

Go back to when you owned the world,
Toys, gardens, you, chiseled and curled.
Stand to demolish, stand to bury history,
You're associated to power, cut the agaonizing rope, you'll be the face to glee..