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Hey Human, read na!

There's always a leakage, how about an emotion?

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Finding myself.

Crazy? Yeah I am crazy, behind this source of emotion,

It’s your face girl, so hard to see, where you are, come see this loner?

I work out day in and out so that I release those toxins within,

Go near the cigarette, say fuck this, It aint that fascinating fiction

Come back to me; see I lie on this beach below the sand

Sinking each hour, like a heart without blood, shrinking so bad

I wrote, I write and I will write,

Not for you to like this damn note, but realize its worth, don’t get me jeopardized

In jeopardy of not seeing you forever,

See me now, I fucking quiver

Let’s go to that beach again, let’s go riding together

Damn, I’m out of thoughts, just like that pigeon without its feather

Crazy? Yeah I am crazy, behind this source of emotion,

It’s your face girl, so hard to see, where you are, come see this loner?

Do my messages go to you? Tell me, come on speak up

I don’t have all day long, read this and buck up

Im going away, going away one last time

Never to come back, or retract your head, into that merriment had we shared back then sometime?

Find all answers in another man now,

Because I’m gone to find myself, in that thick crowd

I was told to be alone, not be a loner

I will celebrate without you, because I have me, a trustworthy savior

I was crazy, but unlike my writing, I wont be no more,

The emotion within me is dry, it will unleash today, cause Il turn into a whore

And you'l see, and remember on watching me rejoice,

what you missed, my care, good bye, you left me with no choice ..

( This piece talks about how this guy cared and did eveyrhting but she never gave two fuck, she was only in her own den doing what pleased her.. Hence he decided to find himself as he had lost his identity, so he's gone searching forhimself, and will be her to her, and make her realize what she missed on)

Ethical Dream

Same place, same time, this year aint been that sublime

But unlike a dog's dick which stays stuck, nothing held me back to have sex with time

Moments came, I CAM too ;)

Life told me one thing, "Why is it difficult to love you"?

I reciprocated saying, "Fuck you, try it, and then you shall see,

In the mean time, I'l be here floating in the rough sea"

I had to swim to the shore fighting these waves alone,

No one came, only the fish watched me sail so cold

Alas, that shore, man it felt like I bought this planets most desired whore

Wet as ever, I walked that sand, but started sinking in more and more

Oh it was she pulling me, telling me Love me,

I said come later, I need to mend life, and go to my momma cos she weeps

But she pulled me in more, I looked at her, fell in and sank

Together we lived happily ever after, in that tank

Until I woke up, and my realized it was a dream I had,

My cock early morning was thick as Sunil's Mayo cheese butter franky in hand

Each day is making me want tomorrow even more,

Unlike you, who forced upon a tag, try living it the hard way, BROTHER

I cared like No one did, but Il repair faster than a mechanic's trick

And watch you pull many into your web and now,

Be the one you want to be known as, not as a tag, you'd carry between your thong. ;)

Time is running out, everyone busy dangling about

But there will be someone out there, who'll stop amidst this monotony,

And take you along !

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

You, beautiful one.

Quit Smoking, difficult, yes it is man,

Just like she lying there naked, but whats stopping you is that foreskin

Never the less, the sight makes me go away each time I see someone spark up,

But I don't know know I get reminded of the time, i'd really never start up

The nicotine was the start up, but ironically my downfall later in life,

So I'm here telling you all, its a dagger pal, a very lethal knife

Emotions will roll, so start writing for you to release the toxin,

The longer you store it within, it accumulates and eventually burns you in minutes

I find her, I find him, I find that one person to talk to,

but I'm stubborn too much, because I was told a fact too

That son, your cure is only yourself,

Hard moments will engulf you, dont escape them, don't evade

Just find the right way to sneak out, like you once did when your mother caught you with ur girl or guy ;),

And run about, or work out, because the head has a duty assigned, one being to darken the sky

And sometime you feel all alone, is it?

Just go down see the sky, and tell it, IL FUCKING FIX THIS!!!!!"

Today, I can survive without no one to me,

Its no arrogance, its the moment, apathy

Salli zindagi itni kamini kyu hain kabhi kabar,

Yeh sawal bajte rehega, tere sar mein baar baar

So do just one thing, explode but in a manner subtle and unharmed ,

Because tomorrow will be a new rise, you in a new armour,you in that place well planned

And the world will see you do the inevitable soon,

don't let moments get to you, be the weapon to those charring times, and eradicate pain, and sip the Blissful spoon

You walk alone, tomorrow you might be with someone,

But day after would script another story, so LOVE YOURSELF, BEAUTIFUL ONE :)

Rush to Glee

Rush, that adrenalin gushes through,

through those vessels, just like you speeding on back road, or that expressway, in that early morning dew

Why does it stop? Why does it make us the better of who we are?

Science could answer that, but I know for a fact its a good feeling brother

That sudden hit to your brain, when you see your girl with him,

or she sees you cheating on her, in that rickshaw, car, FUCK YOU SIN

What happens next is something you wish you never spoke off,

just let those memories pass by, just like another random fuck

Hate it when she calls you a mockery or a disgrace,

You only catered to her well being, in this life where you're treated as waste

These emotions, EMOtions, whatever you call it man,

Are attached to you like that essential file on gmail, which you can't remove nor ignore pal

They RUSH in from an epicenter being the brain or a heart, a question yet not answered,

fuck science, handle yourself, and learn how to be your master

Or you'd be stripped in front of your eyes with the world looking and fucking laughing you down,

Get up, run and remove yourself each time you feel you drown

RUSH by the trees and the cars across the road with those ear plugs shoved in,

and listen to your favorite song, just like what I am, while writing this note, friend! :)

You're all alone, only if you choose that option of out those 3,

The other being HAPPINESS AND GLORY, come on decide soon, because waiting on that table is the glass full of glee :D

Moments make a mighty heart

I watch these trains go by with my mother,

with no destination, no motive they just roll

Reach that station to pause like a loo break for us in office,

Steam again, chug along to the other part of town with no respite

See comparisons between a train and you?

Yeah you're right, you're a machine born master that clue

My mother told me one thing when I asked her why don't they stop ever,

She said, " They roll like emotions within, stop only when the electricity supply is cut off, just like our heart when given a jolt with moments breaking our layer"

I wore my shorts that day after bath, asked my mom for a towel

But she din respond

I called for her, with the heart beating hard,

No voice of her, fuck where is she i ran out to the hall

I see her lying with a picture in her hand,

she's cold, she aint moving, God she's dead

I din call for the doctor because she lay cold, foaming down her mouth

She killed herself, and the picture she held was mine, when i was four

The cops came in, i told her I gave her the poison, and killer her now,

I was arrested and bailed too, for I seemed mentally unsound

The reality to her death was taken with her in her coffin,

I was home alone that day, all alone, I asked the Lord why the fuck din you make people's hearts soften

No answer to that, I live life all alone now,

Tragedy is what I'm immune too, fuck this, I could yet be that funny clown

Cos life's lessons are learnt best when you're alone and to yourself,

and there aint no doctor in this world, better than you, who could cure you, and pump into you that zest

This is why I can't be your Superman

Why can’t I be your Super man, why can’t I be your super man?

Did you realize why not, oh wait you’re busy doing that ugly Spider man

I wait on that bridge for you to show up,

I look like a gigolo by night, where are you, I got you donuts

I’ll baby-sit you; I’ll be a slave to your errands

Make you your desired dish, and wash the plates with my own hands

I’l pamper you like never before, more than what your vagina gets during periods

The pad being the source to pamper, it assures you on tv that its attached with wings :0

Why can’t I be your Super man, why can’t I be your super man?

Did you realize why not, oh wait you’re busy doing that ugly Spider man

WTF, that spidey, is that good?

He’s all around emitting solid sperm through his hand, and he calls himself the savior to the neighborhood?

What about the flowers I come and deliver to your window, what about me, the caretaker?

You slut, you just proved it to me, you want a dick much meatier and bigger

I did so much, so what if I was born with a small ‘pedal’ down there?

I at least ride better than, banging someone on a damn web

This is why I can’t be your superman, because you want a dick as big as Spiderman’s

My friend Jaseem could compete with that fake fucking spider,

Spitting a paradox on that part down there

That night we made love, ooo so intense, now I know why you stopped,

You wanted mine to be a great den

I measure 5.6 to his 9.7,

So what I atleast don’t shagg sperm to get myself attached to that rhythm

Why can’t I be your Super man, why can’t I be your super man?

Did you realize why not, oh wait you’re busy doing that ugly Spider man