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Hey Human, read na!

There's always a leakage, how about an emotion?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Moments make a mighty heart

I watch these trains go by with my mother,

with no destination, no motive they just roll

Reach that station to pause like a loo break for us in office,

Steam again, chug along to the other part of town with no respite

See comparisons between a train and you?

Yeah you're right, you're a machine born master that clue

My mother told me one thing when I asked her why don't they stop ever,

She said, " They roll like emotions within, stop only when the electricity supply is cut off, just like our heart when given a jolt with moments breaking our layer"

I wore my shorts that day after bath, asked my mom for a towel

But she din respond

I called for her, with the heart beating hard,

No voice of her, fuck where is she i ran out to the hall

I see her lying with a picture in her hand,

she's cold, she aint moving, God she's dead

I din call for the doctor because she lay cold, foaming down her mouth

She killed herself, and the picture she held was mine, when i was four

The cops came in, i told her I gave her the poison, and killer her now,

I was arrested and bailed too, for I seemed mentally unsound

The reality to her death was taken with her in her coffin,

I was home alone that day, all alone, I asked the Lord why the fuck din you make people's hearts soften

No answer to that, I live life all alone now,

Tragedy is what I'm immune too, fuck this, I could yet be that funny clown

Cos life's lessons are learnt best when you're alone and to yourself,

and there aint no doctor in this world, better than you, who could cure you, and pump into you that zest

1 comment:

  1. I dont know...why my adrenaline was pumped and i got goosebumps while reading this.....Well done KJ
