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Hey Human, read na!

There's always a leakage, how about an emotion?

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Get bored, it's okay to.

Okay, so two notes in a day.. Intense, very intense isn't it? That thoughts have started flowing, instead of a cigarette curbing the minds kick.. Relations, so many we share with numerous around, but the only one that lasts long, is the one you share with yourself lifelong.. No time to spend alone, the busy world robs you off time, body and soul.. Time after time, comes a circumstance when you need another, I don't deny that, but do you really spend time with yourself, sister, brother? You're not that bad after all, you can drink alone, and even smoke if you want.. Treat yourself and spend hours alone, till the time you may reach a stance, where boredom knocks on your door..

No title.

Sea awakening in front of me, more froth accumulating on the shore in a flurry.. I'm here to find an answer to a few questions, a common answer, a mighty surge.. What I'm I thinking about when I sleep? Why don't I look forward to a night with a peaceful streak.. Fail to understand the issue behind this catastrophe, well if it was for you, not sleeping would be a disaster packaged surprisingly.. The temple right behind where I sit, I believe I'm doing enough to Gods bit.. The shore is the dirtiest on the first high tide, where do I belong, where is that stride? .. Clueless than even before you're giving a hint during a treasure hunt, each day is adventurous, a tricky stunt.. Is my time up at my workplace, should I get cured for sleep or fucking wait? .. The answer will hit you not when you want it, but during the course of the year, so that you're not a bait.. So many regrets so many reasons to cry, but the joy lies in getting up each time, and aiming for the sky..

Write because someone will relate and feel.

Every story has a title, every saying has a bible.. Every movie has a climax, every day there's some sex.. Every moment has its mood, but not every house hold has food.. Every monday has sad smileys, every month end has its salaries.. Every thought has an instigation, every instigation has he or she, the manipulation.. Every job has a good day, everyone has a bad day.. Every cigarette has a satisfaction, not every delivery has a c section.. Every song has a line hitting you hard, every poem has a writer in the backyard.. Every death has a tear shedding, every loner has a path he's only treading.. Every day cannot ensure happiness, every individual doesn't expect a lot of kindness.. Every politician has a corrupt mind, every country cannot be just fine.. Everytime I write I ejaculate a lot of emotion, there are times I feel elevated and times I feel shunned.. Sitting in a corner and writing, I don't know nothing lying in the beckoning.. The morning sun shall rise again on my face, ill push myself to cut a another day, another phase.. No climax to what I write, the day there's one, we'll celebrate the thought together to that sight.. The night bringing in a lot of darkness, light your lamp and walk alone, light your furnace..


What is death, what is birth, what is today, what is hope.. Someone smoking his cigarette in a corner of the world, someone trending on twitter, a reason why he stole the show.. Someone changing his status like his view on a debatable issue, someone riding a bike, his sight in place, but mind aloof.. Someone tweeting with a #, someone on a podium celebrating his worthy flag.. Someone sleeping early for the Monday in store, someone with no sleep, writing about someone, a daily chore.. What makes you realize an existence? Is it the Love is the money? What the fuck makes you want that person? Have you ever read the message a loved one sends you twice? It seems different when read again and again, it seems more intense, like that thunder, that rain.. Write a note to splurge your emotion, because there's no tax and strings attached when you want to puke a feeling, a notion..

Have you learnt something today?

As I listen to Anwar's prolific music, I strike a cord with my guitar, my thoughts, as I blink.. These lines make me crack open the lid to my bottle, as I get set to write a note again with full throttle.. Beautiful world, serene spells of emotion, just the way you feel, when it's winter and you apply that desired lotion.. As you walk a road with the rain shaving down, look to the sky, it's calling you, you're its crown.. Your worth is not only signified by a LO'real Paris Ad, but the want to fetch yourself a shining moment, love yourself lad.. Enriched with dark chocolate, no this isn't a copy for Bournville, but those eyes which you see in the mirror, glittering like a magical slate.. The eyes see the world and register it in your mind, have you seen the biggest spectacle, it's a mirror and you in front hey child.. Often you want to write down what you truly feel, but as you go to pen it down, there's a new thought, a new film.. Don't inspire yourself with the quotes or sayings others write with their name underneath, because that's just a push, as nothing can be more inspiring than you, yourself, just believe.. See the clock, it's ticking and taking you closer to tomorrow, don't you want to it stop, for this moment hasn't been relished like tandoori, buttered with line and masala, drool, my first thought.. As I conclude, I as usual with write a better one tomorrow, for this challenge only eradicates the grimace off my face, as I learn something from today, as I unleash my bottled sorrow..

Birthdays aate Jayenge

One year, 365 days, stories aplenty, but the memory always stays.. As I grow older, yes older each passing day, my hair just keeps getting sexier, don't you envy my say? ;) Last year showed me and prepared me for a lot, somewhere a mental clot, somewhere a battle fought.. The adventure is what makes each year write this tale, realized life's only on a mission to stain your life and make it pale.. It's an exciting living especially when you're sure to be entertained with misery or glee.. The writing never stops, and perhaps never will, because this is my peg, my pint, my high, my fucking will.. Don't let those emotions inside be it wherever you're, let it pour like the rain, when its back, as it floods, you ease out of that tar.. Much love to all those who wishes, and more love to the people who didn't, you'll are always in my prayers, just like that cigarette you smoke, and don't forget to head home without a mint.. So this year should be yet another enthralling episode, more to being health conscious, I vow to always be there for you all, love you all darlings..

Love, the beautiful word.

A football game somewhere, a fan in distress, one watching in utmost glare.. And he scores to make thousands echo his name, just like a hope in a poor man's grave.. She comes into your life the same way as a goal in the net, some disappointed at her choice, but she's only celebrating with his name.. She cries whenever there's disruption in her heart full of gold, why can't you let her score her golden goal, yes you, her only mould.. She juggles each day with you in mind, no matter what life has to show her, that ugly grind.. And when she finds her way through all the obstacles, she scores her heart to you, and breaks all her shackles.. Don't treat her like a princess, because she's God, don't love her like a lover, because she's worth more you retard.. Don't choke her like you're clipping her wings, she won't be able to ever get onto the stage and sing.. Sing that beautiful song, with her eyeballs reflecting your picture, she's more satisfied than you at a bar, with that pitcher.. Kiss her gently and evade her off all dreams, because she sees the reality, she sees you, her only dream and scream.. She's the water to your dirt, she's here to clean you, let her, for you will be born again, a rebirth.. Her touch as gentle as a feather just fallen off a bird, her soul as pure as the first smell of rain on that mud.. Smell her, she smells of you, even when away, she comes back, to cure you, cure you.. Celebrate her existence just like you celebrate your happiness, combine both, here you are at life's most beautiful jive.. Let loose and let her take control you forever, because she's pure, just like when she killed herself with that dagger.. Love strikes only once, and when it does, you either want to love back, or bite the dust.. Destiny will slap you if you let her wrath in pain, for a change be that hand, and wipe her off, that stain.. Its you and her together, let the world be witness to your baby, life's most tender shelter.. Love not to expect the same, but live because you're born to share, because it erases agony, anguish and pain..

Write, don't connect the dots.

Auspicious day they call it, God was born, celebrated and hearts were lit.. My ride for a darshan suddenly felt weird, as I saw a body being taken away, bereaved world.. Life, as you see it, can have an impact on you, but seeing beyond it, only makes it beautiful, just like early morning dew.. I write on a tune, and I write without it, as I ejaculate some emotion, with a head bucketed with grit.. The people around you have opinions galore, some think you're a saint, but some thin you're a whore.. This impact is something you can't digest, feel stripped, exposed to that breast? What people say should be secondary to your mind, what you say is a primary tool, use it well by yourside.. I often try to connect the dots between what went wrong and why, but I'm wasting time on a lot here, I feel it's a wasted climb.. Just like a virgin won't be honest about his virginity in today's world, you hide inside that lather, come out of it, face the world.. As my battery dies, and I see an orange light blink up right on my phone, I shall continue, because writing gives me the feeling of a king, on that worthy thrown..

Let energy masturbate.

Energy, it drives you blindly.. Energy, it's next to an orgy.. Energy, you need it friend, energy it gets you your butter and bread.. Push yourself to the limit, you don't want to not sleep, hey dimwit?.. The energy in me is insane, hit the gym, work and still want to play.. I ask myself this question time and again, what if I was a pornstar, would I be vain? .. Energy, feed it with the best of your tasks, you'd know you're drained, when the mind wants to fart.. Consider yourself a nomad like I do, maybe insomnia may hit you, maybe energy won't die out too.. My journey to not exactly the center of Maharshtra begins, few days of only getting bored, I deserve.. As I get closer to myself each time I make a trip, I don't need the glucose, I don't need that drip.. Something pushes you while on the run, don't be the bullet for they'l get over, be the gun, the gun.. Seat number 83 seems quite a perfect spot to sit and write, as this queen tears into the hills, those clouds, with no respite.. Beautiful evening, made stunning with the energy I produce, as thane goes by, as the train hoots.. The dangling ear rings she's wearing the one diagonal to me, her smile making her shine more than a diamond, wow what energy.. A bowl of fruits, the energee drink, the protein shake may be a temporary prick, but the real energy comes within, let it out, and don't let it die like a shagged out dick..

Read, arre read re.

Hi, hello, hey, hola, kaisa hain, aur bata, arre bacchi, bol yaar, kya baat hain, use these in your daily verbal notes?.. Expressions, the way you use them, that glimpse, the way you show them.. Capturing them in a camera is easy, but let's try writing them down, ah it's greasy.. I stopped wishing people a Good morning, I reach work, just sit at my desk, fucking yawning.. The elderly say, "Beta subhe, shaam aur raat ko sabko wish karna chahiye" .. Acha ji, ab hume yeh bhi batao ke kya Hilane ke pehle konsa porn dekhna Chahiye? .. Your brains functionality is for you to understand, so if you feel good wish, if not, relax, people will still come to you lad.. Blackberry statuses change like sanitary pads during a period, facebook notifications come in just like excitement on a deed, so fruitful.. Express yourself, just the way I do when I write, no holds barred, bhenchoddd khul ke jiyo yaar.. As you age, people say you turn wise, but that child in you springs up time to time, a new surprise.. ExpressSHUN, should never be a substance in your life, because the medium remaining is smoking, drinking and cries.. My green and white towel kept falling off the hook since morning, see it's expressing itself, telling me to bathe, by free falling.. So let looooooooose that thought before it turns tragic, life suddenly may turn into a stage, with loads of desired magic..

Tune your life's chords.

Writing after quite long, had forgotten the tune I put to each song.. Losing interest in everything I do, something pulling me back, like the mouse to it's trapped glued.. Motivation comes and goes like each day, and suddenly I'm this formation which cannot be moved, an old piece of clay.. The beach answers a lot to what should be done next, as life actually stands still, glares and gets set for tomorrow a new quest.. Energy, energy, energy is a requisite, the force behind each story, each doing, each secret chit.. As I watch a few men catching their pinky's and walking along, and a group of footballers playing like they're the kings of the game, their worthy crown.. The sand cold and waiting for the morning tide, those insects embedded in it shall come out then and get washed to another shore with pride.. Couples, lovers, joggers and more, each human, somewhere has something to explore.. Wish I was mentally 5 and could life in a fancy pram, but unfortunately each day brings in a story, a scam.. Everyone's running behind the note which has the Mahatma, in the process we often end up damaging our soul, our atma.. Time to get up and run into the ocean, let's wash that mind away, and let's get back to steaming motion.. There's another pumping apart from your muscle tearing in a gym, there's the adrenaline gushing, running making you DO IT, let's get up with some zing.. These waves want to share a secret with you, they're telling you, you're the reason they come visit the shore, you're the appetizer to their frequency, you're a pearl so true..

You're dying.

UnpreDICKtable life, unknowing tomorrow, clueless you, but a hope lingers, keep aside sorrow.. Short life, it could be my last note, never know what's in store, a substantial note or a bloat.. I play the flute with a tune, I play the game with a purpose, the day I stop playing, I'll be friction less on that surface.. What if I collapse before clicking on the publish button, what if you crash into a bloody coffin, the moment comes by as a lucky charm, what's the safest bet you can place today, life's without relief, or balm.. My mother told me about an incident of a colleague, I'm down writing because it didn't evaporate my greed.. To puke out these emotions on a fucking friday night, as the world brings in the gala weekend, I write to remove an ugly plight.. The broom lies in a corner for it to be used again, but each passing day, it's dying with no pain.. Withering branches, corroded buildings, soon you'll be immune to the touch and tickling.. I survived 3 minutes and I'm about to share this note, just realized death also competes, and the competition is cut throat..


Bad phase alert, life driving on that track fogged with dirt.. Each new shirt seems the oldest I wear, tomorrow is something which looks scary, that stare.. Another episode of sleeplessness, another dose of Davai, so not bliss.. Life's events are like a season of football, shocks and glory are entwined like a con call.. Writing after long so that I don't go smoke that sutta, do you feel leashed often, do you feel like a dented kutta? Toxic in the system, toxic outside, we're all polluted more in the head, than in the lungs, scripting a demise.. So not into what I write nowadays, it's just like I stopped buying those chips because the quantity didn't coincide with the price, yes Ruffle Lays.. I should write more and shagg more of what I store, because we're captivated by moments, and it's boss being life, a whore..

I will be back.

Same spot, a year back, but today it feels like something cracked
Walking life’s treadmill and riding on, every destination looks like a unhealthy song
Emotions rush out faster than trains in Mumbai, I’m back to where I belong, sigh!
Like a desktop stores icons with several file names, I feel like I’m being played with, a wicked game
To stand or fall is not an option; it’s a decision which wires your head like question mark in a caption
Life’s solace is often found at the beach, where words peace and calmness chill and preach
They preach a story taking you back to where it began, the solution my friend, lies in your hand
You can only guide someone till finish line, but they’re the ones who have to cross it
As I type the last few words on my keyboard at this Foxy farm, the heart aches, worst than a break up with that bottle of “Jaaam”
The cure to your being lies in your mind man, if you listen to the heart you would be stuck for a life span
No regrets, only thoughts as to why this situation popped up, I hope to see myself back and performing better than my last term
I will be back, I will be back, better than before, I will be back

Let's do this. 

whART of living?

Thursday evening, a rather juvenile vision of what lay ahead, as I ride home to see what's the real thread.. 'Art of Living' by Sri Ravi Shankar, I wonder whether 'Art of Chilling' by fosters could have done wonders? 100 push ups, 25 Suryanamaskars behind me, I walk to a place, where lives only come to seek peace and glee.. As I enter her house, and seat myself down, I see faces smiling, captivated by an internal frown.. Everyone wanted 'Peace of mind', everyone wanted 'Happiness Galore', I shut my eyes and asked myself, was I really here, Bhenchod? Phone off and we breath like we've committed sins, we're told to see within ourselves, to empty our dustbin.. Somehow I couldn't cope up with the pace of 'Guruji', there was a picture of him on the hills, I wanted to ask him if he used grass to seek peace.. 3 hours over and we open our eyes, emotionless I stalled, widening my eye ball.. A good feeling after long, but perhaps not the cure to my sleep, I wonder what's in store today, as I get ready to drive the noiseless jeep.. As I'm told to vomit everything what I feel, what better than another note on Facebook, to remove the thinking peel..

 Off cigarettes, non vegetarian food, masturbation and more, Chalo abhi kya kar sakte hain, two more days till I start practicing my cure..

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A UK based Sand Wizard - Simon Smith, World Masters People’s Champion had built a 10X10 Sand Castle in the Courtyard at High Street Phoenix for "World Cancer Day”. Simon Smith, a Cancer survivor himself has taken this initiative in association with Sand Cult – Sand Sculpting Company and Cancer Patients Aid Association (CPAA) to show the importance of this Crucial Cause.

His extraordinary masterpiece was completed on February 4, 2012 – The World Cancer Day and will be exhibited until February 12, 2012.

What a tribute for "World Cancer Day"!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

An empty Beach

In times we had each other,
I wrote for a reason with a different vigour

The beach at night as beautiful it looked under the moon,
Doesn't shine anymore, I turned into my own goon

We made new friends on our side each day,
I was stuck in the sand again, chained and I wanted to say,

"Why did you go baby, why did you change so fast,
The time we had has lost its might, its fucking class"

The world outside stayed aloof to what went on,
We met secretly and I keep wanting you more

I'm pushing you away each time you come near,
Understand me, I'm fighting a WAR within, it has become my agonizing fear

Our story should die, die once and for all,
I want you so bad, but I want you away for your souls cure

I'm not the guy you should twist and change your lifes motives,
You say I'd keep you happy, read me again, I'd cage you till eternity

Cannot share you with another man or another one,
I wish I had an option to lift that gun

And go to the beach, the isolated one,
Empty it all and lie under the puddled Blood

Bury me alive for the sins I did,
But remember me someday, You were the one I LOVED with no limit

People work out, people don't,
WE could have, but my head was the weapon why I'll die alone in that cyclone..

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Cadbury Silk - Orange

After the success of the soft & creamy Cadbury Dairy Milk SILK, I would love to bring to your notice
this premium chocolate with a fresh new twist.

The orange tinge embedded in its new makeover has been the tissue to tears and the flavor to those buds!

That creamy and delicious bite is a recovery to all of your dreaded and sad thoughts!

So head out, buy it and relish it like I have loved posting it here :D

The sweetness of a premium chocolate with the fruity punch of orange -
life does not get much better.
For your reference here is an image of this delicious
chocolate. Also given is the link to its new TV commercial!

Every one of you try it, it's heavenly and the orange tinge just answers all the cravings your taste buds have been cribbing about! LOVE IT!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Pick me up!

Little stupid things that happened over that period,
It was graceful even though we din last till death

Breathing got heavy with the rain pouring hard,
Like a dick cut off and left to get charred

Communication was the essence, but we were left to evade it,
That face I only saw in an imagination well lit

Decisive, life got and I somewhere read this day,
Today you're somewhere, as of me, I can me moulded like clay

Quit playing these games come on, when I told you once, Just fucking Move on
Don't tell me to understand you and how it feels,
Just because I don't show, doesn't mean I don't shed when I kneel

You said those words which were the arrow that cut me through,
I'm dead today, but somehow my heart still beats for you

Emotion like i said, is hard in me baby,
You got me wanting you more, oh you got me insane and so crazy

But those 3 words come back to haunt and hit you right on the face,
LIFE GOES ON, and like a slut I wait for you to pick me up and race ..