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There's always a leakage, how about an emotion?

Friday, April 15, 2011

YOU who punish shall REPENT too

Every time I'd wanna do that deed, your face blocks me, from my habit, my weed .. Ive succumbed to Karma, my only God, I have to be good to the world, or il have to face that sword .. That sword which shall have no mercy whilest it penetrate deep into me, leaving me baffled, ripped and searching for that word named Glee .. Why, why, why do you always crop up so that I leave things undone? But in a way I sigh with relief knowing I won't be the next victim in front of that gun! KARMA, you dominate me just like that pimp to his whore, I crave each passing moment for that emotion to leak out, sitting on that lonely shore .. Karma, you've made me that Radio station with you hanging listening to my happenings, and you click each time for me to disintegrate and hear another favoured tale singing .. I'm the dead skin you drag along with each step you take, fill me with that tar, make me that face full of disgrace .. I'm your prisoner now, oh your slave, life revolves around your directions, I wish I was never under you, man I feel caged .. But one day ul bow in front of me, realize what you deprived me off, and respect my stance to see .. To see yourself abide to my directions, one fine day ul fucking Weep :)

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